Karma theory…… case study(2)…Vishwamitra

This is an adjunct to Karma theory…… case study(1)…Ramayana
Contributed by M K Subramanian
Vishwamithra was born a Kshatriya. He became a valorous king. He gained all Asthras and Shastras forwielding power, fame and for material prosperity. Once, he met sage Vasishta. He had a tiff with him for Kamadhenu (Mythical cow that gives everything you ask)and found his arrows were of no match to vashista’s Brahma Danda.He was awestruck by the great potency and capability of an ascetic Brahmin. He got convinced: “A Brahmin is far superior to a successful and accomplished Kshatriya, like self”. So, he wanted to become a Brahmin. He left his kingdom, sat on Tapas (meditation) for years. It was not easy. He had to conquer lust and anger. His determination, travail, failures, repeated attempts with greater efforts, and glorious success are recounted in Ramayana. In his quarrel with Vasista he made the life of Harishchandra miserable and he separated him from his wife and thus incurred sin.That was not all. Did he, having attained Brahminhood, experience blissful tranquility? No, not until he placed all his possessions and wealth of Asthras, Shastras in Rama’s altar. He also got Rama married to Seetha.Then, he became tranquil and enjoyed the Blissful State! Being born as a Kshatriya was result of “Fate”. Attaining Brahminhood was ‘Destiny’. Experiencing Blissful State was ‘Grace of God’!

This is a series of Articles on Hindu karma Theory by M K Subramanian. Refer [1][2][3][UR Here][5][6][7][8][9][10]

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